Badges (VCs SB NFTs)

Badges denote a users verified credentials and can have various underlying verifiable technologies such as SSI VCs, soulbound nfts and others as they emerge. Programability provides dapp/app use cases beyond verification

Badges are initially issued by other users and orgs.

In future, a play to earn marketplace may be introduced with training / certification partners.

Badge Example, Profile embedding and associated org Farcaster app/dapp

Badge Thesis initial central design will focus on real world user achievements such as academic and skill credentials, club membership and work/career. In general badges are bound to a user and non-transferable other than from issuer to user. While third party badges may enter the ecosystem, user to user transferability may be an issue to overcome given transfer can break down the trust framework (eg POAPs have genuine utility in our ecosystem but are technically transferable so may not reflect a user's actual achievement/credential). The focus is not on amassing NFT art in your profile or various crypto tokens. However, as user profiles are open source, the developer community may choose to give users the option for this in third party apps/dapps or potentially even a parallel core profile network.

Badges are verifiable and programmable.

Badges are Verifiable Credentials that are attached to a user's Profile ID, that are issued to them by Issuers (Organisations). The details contained within the Badge are stored privately off-chain, and it is entirely at the user's discretion whether they want to make it public.

Badges are ZK enabled - particularly relevant to App/Dapp marketplace for ZK app access authentication.

All users to receive onboarding badges as progress towards proof of personhood - unlocking incentives such as access to verified user P2P payment dapp.

Last updated